Sunday, September 30, 2012

Xenomorphs + Warhammer 40,000 = BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!!!

Xenomorph Genestealers! I've died and gone to heaven!
As you all may or may not know, I love the Alien movies as much as I love Warhammer 40,000 so when i saw this picture it was an instant nerdgasm. I mean. honestly, whats cooler than Xenomorphs in 40k? Nothing, NOTHING I tell you!!! Sooner or later I will probably make an entire army converted like this one day. I imagine the list would look something like this :
                     "A Tyranid Prime (converted to look like a Queen), and then TONS of Genestealers converted up like that. The end"
Yup, that is my new dream army, right there. Now, all I need is to dramatically improve my greenstuff-ing skills...

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